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fate stay night

the last day of exam

yahoooo.... we finish the first exam. we can play online game 24 hour. Sadly we have do to the ( jia Qi ) homework so lame............. never mine we all burn the book

oh my ''spetica''

today apirl 2, the louzy teacher (ping pong ) no come. so we all playful boy go to play badminton...........

suddenly a "huge" stone hit..... my "spetica"

oh............ that hurt

my lovely "spetica" fell to a part


oh my god

oh my god ????////.... my kh got 62 im died.


my frienz sam and Chan hit the jack"pork" .............. the lover

jiu jiu di "bola"

水戰爭一觸即發 422,4月22日,什么大日子?這是我們全球的大日子──世界地球日。如果生日要買蛋糕、吹蠟燭,那么地球日要做什么?請你高抬貴手吧,你不要再多做什么慶祝了。相反的,請你少做一些東西。例如:少丟塑膠袋保麗龍、少開一點冷氣、少用一點水! 升溫6度 全球災難 “吉隆坡天晴,最高溫34度,最低溫24度。”我們每天都可以從收音機聽到氣象預報。我國天氣,一天的最低與最高溫,通常在攝氏10度(10℃)左右差異,我們已習以為常。但是,你可知道,整個地球,溫度只需上升2℃,對全世界就是個災難──三分之一的生物將會滅絕!環保影片《地球溫度的6°轉變》就給你清楚的講述了這一點。 推廣環保只為自保 “人類常說要拯救‘環境’,但環境怎么會需要拯救呢?環境一直都會存生,會面臨滅亡絕種的其實是人類,該要拯救的是‘人類’才是。” ────美國環境與社會正義論壇Bioneer創辦人肯尼奧斯比爾

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

eh my friend yue haw want to change sekolah..............i wish him have a nice day at the new school.

Monday, February 18, 2008

road run

last friday i go for a run ............. it was so tired
my leg amost batah....................oh